Saturday, January 19, 2008

WalMart woes

So I went to WalMart today. Saturday.

Big Mistake.

I am a capitalist. Therefore, I am generally not one of the "WalMart Haters." You know, the ones who say WalMart is everything that is wrong with America because it is putting the little guy out of business. I believe that if people really wanted to shop somewhere else, they would. Sam Walton isn't holding a gun to anyone's head (that I am aware of, I don't actually know him.) I have had the "WalMart-is-satan-incarnate" discussion with people that say in the very next breath "but you know, its cheaper, so I just ran in to get a few things." ?????????????? I tell you what, that's standing up for what you believe in.

Anyway, I drift away from the main point. What was it again? Oh yeah.....

So I pull into the parking lot. I think I count a bizillion cars, only 152 of which are parked. The others are driving slowly down each and every lane. I assume that this is so they can get the parking spot that requires a 5 foot walk to the door. Never mind that the store itself is two football fields long.

Being one of those people who doesn't mind walking (let's burn the cookie off I had last night) I hurry into the store. Oh, I forgot to mention I was in a hurry.

BIG BIG mistake. Never go to WalMart if you are in a hurry. On Saturday.

I think that everyone in Chattanooga was inside that store (except the people searching for parking spots of course) So I hurry off to find my 4 list items. They were all in the same general section.

25 minutes later.....(seriously) I am standing at the checkout. People really need to learn what "get the he** out of my way" means. (Ha ha, I of course would never say that, it is an old Friends flashback......that I would remember....if I watched that show....which of course I don't. =)

20 minutes after that.....(really, I'm not joking) I am checking out. It didn't help that they only had 3 checkout lanes open. Why is it that when I am in there at 10 am on Wednesday every freaking checkout is open? It must be one of those oddities of nature.

Finally, nearly 1 hour after entering the store, for 4 items remember, I am finished. I actually felt like I needed a nap.

I am currently rehashing my decision about not hating WalMart. But you know, it is cheaper.....


Anonymous said...

I can give you the name of a good shrink. If you can't afford one, just take "baby steps" the next time you're in Walmart. LD

Anonymous said...

The way to survive Walmart- check your northerness at the door and approach Walmart like a Southern gal- it's a big social network! LD