Friday, August 31, 2007

Moms Work Too

You know, I should probably be over this by now, but I'm not and I'll just let you all know it. I HATE when people hear that I am a stay at home mom and I get the 'oh-what-do-you-do-with-yourself-all-day' look. Example:

7:30 am Lowe's calls to tell me that they will NOT be delivering our rental house
appliances this morning. Cross that off the list
7:45 am Add 4 more phone calls to the list to re-schedule everything so they can
deliver them tomorrow
8:00 am Pay bills
8:30 am Children wake up
8:35 am Get children dressed and make breakfast
9 am Take shower
10:30 am Leave for errands
11 am Drop off tuition at church
11:15am Drop off Ballet tuition
11:30 am Post office to buy stamps and mail about 15 bills.
11:45 am Bank to deposit money to pay for above three items
12:30 am WalMart - while sounding like one task, it is actually 4 - Grocery
shopping, Mean mom (SIT DOWN OBEY), accountant (making sure we don't go one
penny over grocery budget, and avoiding all the "lookers"(if you have ever
been to WalMart in the south, you know who I am talking about, the ones who
go to WalMart to walk up and down every aisle at 1/3 the speed of a normal
1:39 exactly. Back in car to drive home
2:20 pm Get home, unload groceries-in the rain by the way
2:30 pm Get lunch
3:00 pm Do 3 loads of laundry - this acutally doesn't get fully accomplished until
10:30 pm
3:30 pm Workout - cause stay at home moms don't just eat bon-bons all day
4:00 pm Make 4 phone calls regarding our Disney Vacation (think December people,
stuff was already booked up. Craziness)
5:30pm Start dinner; luckily Jason is going to be late
5:45 pm Comfort child who wakes up crying; get snacks
6:15 pm Laundry again
6:45pm Go to gym to workout more
7-8pm Workout like crazy. Got to lose the last 5 pounds.
8:15pm Clean up from dinner
8:45pm Fold 2nd load of Laundry
9:30pm Pay rest of bills and order ballet uniform online
10:15pm Finish Laundry
11pm GO TO BED

I believe the only time I sat down this particular day was driving the car, and when I got online around, oh, 10pm. Just FYI, this day was considered "normal" in the grand scope of days in general. Just wait until I post a schedule of my crazy days.

GO MOM'S! Hardest job there is!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Sometimes Girls Just Need.... have a tea party.

In my defense, I only had about 20 minutes of lead time to find proper tea food

Thursday, August 23, 2007

What kind of Breakfast I am.

You Are Cereal
Playful and lighthearted, breakfast is likely your favorite meal of the day.(In fact, you're probably the type who sneaks cereal as a midnight snack.)Your culinary skills are probably a bit lacking... and you are a sucker for junk food.Some people accuse you of eating like a kid, but you prefer to think of yourself as low maintenance.
What Kind of Breakfast Are You?

I beg to differ on the culinary comment....everything else is shockingly accurate.

The Dexter Bakery

I'm starting with a funny vacation story about me because I don't want everyone to think I am picking on the rest of my family. Those stories will come later.

For all of you who live in the south, you are missing out on something very important. Great Bakeries! (and no, Krispy Kreme doesn't count) . The bakeries up North, I have to admit, are awesome. Almost every small town has one, and because they are family owned they are all different.

My favorite happens to be the Dexter Bakery in Dexter, MI. Maybe I am partial seeing as how it is the town where I went to school, but I believe it to be the best bakery I have ever eaten at. They have every pastry you could imagine, but it gets better. They also have these soft pretzels that are to DIE for. They have pretzel sticks (about 1 1/2" wide by about 10" long.) which are my favorite, but they also have the cheese filled variety, which are also my favorite.

The following story is told in the third person simply because it is funnier that way.

So one morning on vacation Kalyndra gets up (around 10am, because monther let her sleep in) and says "Hey, lets go to the bakery today." Knowing that bakery foods are pretty high in calories, Kalyndra decides to exercise first. So she rides her bike for about 9 miles. She was done by 10:45 or so.

Since Kalyndra was going to the bakery, she decided to save up all her calorie eating glory for bakery food and not eat breakfast after the bike ride.

Kalyndra, mom, and the girls finally left the house around 12pm. You wouldn't think it takes that long to get two little girls ready to go, but it does. Between going potty, finding shoes (who would think a flip flop could end up in the birdfeeder 5ft off the ground) picking out one toy to take in the car, and getting buckled in, Kalyndra thought they might never get there.

Finally, everyone is on the way to the bakery. It is then that mom says, "Hey I want to get my haricut today. Let's swing by on the way. We can even get the girls hair trimmed too!"

Now Kalyndra is torn. Kalyndra wants the girl's haircut done by a professional, because, let's face it, Kalyndra is lousy at cutting hair. However, Kalyndra has also been up 3 hours and expended calories on a bike ride. She is starting to get hungry. Let's just say that Mom wins.

After the three haricuts, which look very nice but also took 90 minutes, Kalyndra is ravenous. Remember, she still hasn't eaten anything today and it is almost 2pm. They finally make it to the bakery. The order:

12 soft pretzels
2 sprinkle doughnuts
2 custard filled long johns
2 cream filled pastries
2 regular chocolate doughnuts.

In our defense, we needed breakfast for the next day too.....

On the way home, Kalyndra downs 4 pretzels and one chocolate doughnut.

When they get home, Kalyndra eats a custard filled long john and 2 more pretzels.

At 3:30 pm Kalyndra takes a nap because she is sick.

She doesn't eat anything the rest of the day because she does not feel well.

Kalyndra still can't wait until next summer's trip to the Dexter Bakery ;)

Tuesday, August 21, 2007


Sorry about the lapse in updates, I was on vacation. The only computer around might just have had the slowest dial-up internet ever.

I'll be posting pics and funny vacation stories today or tomorrow.