Saturday, July 7, 2007

A Funny Conversation

One lovely Wednesday I was taking my 2 kids and my friends 2 kids to a movie. (a free movie, in case anyone was under the impression we actually have $100 to spend on a real movie). Caroline and Brooke were in the middle seat of the minivan, and Jordan and Morgan were in the very back. I overheard this particular conversation between Caroline (3 1/2 years old) and Brooke (2 1/2 years old). That's them all dolled up in the picture
Caroline: Where should we play Brooke?

Brooke: Let's go to the museum. I love the museum.

Caroline: You're a GENIUS!!!

Brooke: No Caroline, I'm Brooke, the little sister.

I broke down laughing after Caroline proclaimed Brooke "a genuis" because what 3 year old knows what that word means. I practically cried when Brooke responded. It made my day a little happier, I must admit.

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