Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Boot Camp

This one's for you, Mark.

Ok, so I am doing this exercise regime called "Boot Camp." The name pretty much says it all. Push up's, situps, running, jumping jacks etc. It is from 6-7am down in Chattanooga. I get up at 5am on weekday mornings to get there on time. If you know me at all, I know you are in disbelief right now, but I swear this is all true.

I am doing this for a few reasons, but the reason that matters for this story is that I want to lose those last couple of pounds because I have a few weddings to go to this summer, and I want the dresses to look just right.

Having said that, let me explain what we did yesterday. It was "team" day. "Team" in boot camp is translated "hauled a log around." Literally, a log. We carried the log to the park, we carried the log while doing lunges, and we carried the log all the way across the Walking Bridge and back. It's pretty far.

So the goal is to look good in the dress for the weddings right? Well now I have a huge bruise on my shoulder from THE STUPID LOG, which, by the way, will show so very nicely in my sleeveless dress at the wedding on Friday Night.


People will probably think I am a battered wife. Think about it, will the cop really believe me when I say "No, my husband doesn't hit me, it's from carrying a log in my aerobics class."

Oh, did I mention that I pay for all this? I may in fact be going crazy.

At least it is better than paying and not coming (you know who you are, ATL!)


Shelly said...

Oh, My Word! You are my hero. Let me just say that I am a big wuss and I would have probably started crying if someone had told me to lug a log around downtown Chattanooga. Somebody give this girl a piece of cake! I think you've earned it :) Rembrandts, anyone?

Kalyndra said...

Thanks for the support, girl.

Sometimes I think God has a sense of humor. He's Like: Ok, so you want to look good in your dress; BAM! here's a bruise. I'm in control.

Shelly said...

I hope you still look fabulous in your dress- maybe you could put some cover up on the bruise? Or maybe instant tanning cream?

Anonymous said...

does your mother know what you are doing?!!! LD

Anonymous said...

Maybe you should pass you log onto shelly....